Sunday, 5 August 2012

Sunbreeze Festival 2012 - swimwear get!

As I was working hard IRL this week, I took a few breaks during the day (on my lunch, of course!) to participate in the Sunbreeze Festival 2012. Having never been around for them before -- I always seem to be unsubbed during events, boo! -- I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing, but a bit of research had me dancing along in no time. Of course, I did end up being the silly mithra who accidentally the wrong dance. Yup, I was that guy. I got the swimwear in the end, and went shopping as every good mithra knows how to do.

Dancing grimace on!
Finally got the adorable swimwear set I've been wanting for a while, the Savage Top and Savage Shorts. I will probably try and get the rest as well, but now that I have those and this year's set I'm pretty, well, set!

I've been having a bit of a midlife job crisis as well, as I initially set out with the intention of playing NIN but was discouraged by its initial cost and being too lazy to unlock the job. I also am dying to be self-sufficient as far as teleports WHM is really appealing to me right now. Could I stomach it all the way up to 99? I have no idea. I have no doubts I could reach 75 but that doesn't feel like as much of an achievement these days. Plus I'd have to level BLM, oh dearie me.

That said, it does open up the options of levelling BRD and SMN, two jobs I do have a marginal interest in at a later date.

However, DNC and PLD are also sounding pretty appealing right now! So right now, it's just a case of me levelling whatever I can just to have a bit of fun. Next few days will be spent:

  • Levelling BLM to 25 (currently at 15)
  • Levelling WHM to 30, possibly continuing to 49 (currently at 17)
  • Cooking in my Mog while wearing my pretty swimwear by the fireside
No doubt there'll be more updates to come as time goes by!

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